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5. Verification and Validation
5.3. Combustion
[ED-FD 10] Supersonic Flow at Mach 2 over a Backward Facing Step
[ED-CM 1] BOM Spherical Combustion Chamber
Last updated
1 year ago
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[ED-CM 1] BOM Spherical Combustion Chamber
[ED-CM 2] SNL Flame Acceleration Measurement Facility Experiment
[ED-CM 3] Hydrogen Deflagration in a Multi-compartment System
[ED-CM 4] Hydrogen Jet Fire in a Compartment with Venting Hole
[ED-CM 5] Hydrogen-Air Fast Deflagration in ENACCEF Facility
[ED-CM 6] Detonation of Premixed H2-Air Mixture in a Hemispherical Balloon
[ED-CM 7] H2 Deflagration at a Refueling Station
[ED-CM 8] Methane-Air Explosion in LLEM
[ED-CM 9] Hydrogen-Methane Combution in a 20 L Spherical Vessel